Première mention pour Aphis newtoni Theobald, 1927 (Hemiptera : Aphididae) en Amérique du Nord — First record of Aphis newtoni Theobald, 1927 (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in North America

Specimen 3 2022 Catherine Hébert Gilles Arbour André Francoeur Colin Favret Aphididae, Aphidinae, Aphidini, Aphis newtoni, Arthropoda, Hemiptera, Insecta, Iris, North America, Sternorrhyncha
First record of Loricula (Myrmedobia) coleoptrata (Fallén, 1807) in Canada (Heteroptera, Microphysidae)

2022, Specimen 1, Thomas Théry Arthropoda, Canada, Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Insecta, Loricula coleoptrata, Microphysidae