ISSN 2816-6531

A new case of gynandromorphism in the Halictus simplex species group (Hymenoptera: Halictidae)

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Tags: Apoidea, Arthropoda, Gynander, Gynandromorph, Halictidae, Halictus (Monilapis) simplex, Hymenoptera, Insecta, Italy, sweat bee
Number 37, 
9 December 2024


Gynandromorphism is a condition in which an individual exhibits both male and female phenotypic traits. Among Hymenoptera, bees (Anthophila) account for numerous documented cases, with gynanders identified across six of the seven global bee families (Michez et al, 2009). Within the Halictidae, several cases have been documented (Andrewes, 1946; Hohndorf, 1931; Krichilsky et al, 2020; Leclercq, 1953; Popov, 1937; Saunders, 1901; Wcislo et al, 2004). Further discoveries of gynanders in this family can provide valuable insights into associating male and female characteristics, particularly within taxonomically challenging groups such as Halictus (Monilapis) Cockerell, 1931.

Results and Discussion

One Halictus Latreille gynander specimen collected in Gallinaro (Italy) on July 20th, 1983, was found in the entomological collection of the University of Mons, Belgium. This specimen is placed within the subgenus Monilapis based on its convex gena (Fig. 1c) and the prominent punctation with shiny interspaces on the propodeum laterally (Fig. 1d). The species is part of the Halictus simplex species group, in which species delineation is only possible in males. This specimen has the particularity to be a gynander with a mosaic pattern, i.e. with features distributed randomly across the body. Most tissues of the specimen exhibit female characteristics (Fig. 1a,f), while male morphological features are limited to the left antenna and to the genae, which are both convex (i.e. a male feature in the Halictus simplex group). Although the structure and length of the right antenna are typical of that of a female, with 12 properly developed articles, an emerging atrophied 13th segment can be observed, this segment being partially fused to the 12th (Fig. 1b). Furthermore, while the hind legs exhibit female structural traits, including well-developed scopa, they display a coloration typical of males (Fig. 1e).

Over the past 123 years, only three instances of gynandromorphy have been documented in the genus Halictus, including in the simplex group (Leclercq, 1953; Popov, 1937; Saunders, 1901). Further discovery of gynanders in this genus could be valuable opportunities for identifying new diagnostic criteria for delineating species. In the studied case, the distinct coloration and morphology of this specimen's legs also offer insights into Halictus development, indicating that the coloration and structure of legs occur as separate developmental pathways at the embryonic level. The synthesis of all variations observed in cases of gynandromorphism and teratogenesis will serve as a foundation for future research aimed at uncovering the embryological and molecular mechanisms underlying these phenomena.




Andrewes CH (1946) Gynandromorphic Halictus tumulorum. The Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine, 82:46.


Hohndorf A (1931) Ein frontaler Zwitter von Halictus tumulorum L. (Hym. Apid). Mitteilungen der deutschen Gesellschaft, E.V., 2:25.


Krichilsky E, Vega-Hidalgo Á, Hunter K, Kingwell C, Ritner C, Wcislo W & Smith A (2020) The first gynandromorph of the Neotropical bee Megalopta amoena (Spinola, 1853) (Halictidae) with notes on its circadian rhythm. Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 75, 97–108.


Leclercq J (1953) Un cas extraordinaire de gynandromorphisme chez Halictus sexcinctus (Hym. Apidae). Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, 29:1–4.


Michez D, Rasmont P, Terzo M & Vereecken NJ (2009) A synthesis of gynandromorphy among wild bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), with an annotated description of several new cases. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (N S), 45(3), 365–375.


Popov VB (1937) Gynandromorphism and the effects of parasitic castration in Halictus eurygnathus Blüthgen (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). Izvestia Akademiya Nauk SSSR, 1937:481–494.


Saunders E (1901) Gynandrous specimen of Halictus quadricinctus Fab. The Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine, 12:278–279.


Wcislo WT, Gonzalez VH, Arneson L (2004) A review of deviant phenotypes in bees in relation to brood parasitism, and a gynandromorph of Megalopta genalis (Hymenoptera: Halictidae). Journal of Natural History 38: 1443–1457.