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Title *
As micropublications do not have abstracts, the manuscript title should be brief, informative, and communicate the salient message of the publication. Species and genus names should be accompanied by a portion of the taxonomic hierarchy (e.g., class, order, family). Genus and species names should be italicized with html tags, e.g. <i>Homo sapiens</i> Linnaeus.


Title *
Content *
Describe the context and motivation for the manuscript. Keep this text brief and informative. In-text citations should be in the style of (Author Year) or (Author, Year) for single authors and (Author et al. Year) or (Author et al., Year) for multiple authors. Multiple citations should be seperated by semi-colons, e.g., (Author1 Year1; Author2 year2).

Results and Discussion

Title *
Content *
Present the pertinent facts and how they are new and important. Avoid excessive interpretation or embellishment.


Section Title - Reference *
Create a new field for each listed reference. Use a standard format of your choice, but keep it consistent across all references. Use the link button to add a stable URL to the entire text of the reference. Do not use general URLs as shown in the navigation bar of your browser, as these are not stable (stable URLs will use DOIs or other standardized formats, e.g. https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/page/726909 or https://doi.org/10.56222/28166531.2022.1) The original descriptions of the species presented should be cited and referenced in full. In-text citations of original descriptions for which you do not wish to include the reference should omit the year of publication.


Every publication must cite museum specimens, including their catalog numbers and metadata in Darwin Core format. See examples from previous publications at Canadensys and visit this Google Sheet for a description of required and recommended fields. When the data are ready, either include a URL to the data in the Material field or upload a data file (Excel, Numbers, csv, or tab format) by clicking the Media button.
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Thank the people, institutions, and funding organizations who helped in the research: provide their names and their affiliation or geographic location.


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Note that a minimum of two suggested reviewers must be provided or the manuscript will not be published.

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